So to staff its China program, the Sprott School of Business sent an assortment of full-and part-time staff, including some faculty on sabbaticals. 因此,为了组建中国管理教育项目的教师队伍,斯普洛特商学院动用了包括全职和兼职教师在内的各类教师资源,一些原本安排休假的教师也被派往了中国。
I was lucky enough to get my first part-time job because my mom shopped several times a week in our local grocery store and she heard they needed staff. 我幸运地找到第一份工作是因为我妈妈每周去当地的杂货店逛几次,然后她打听到他们要招人。
We also have a stable team of highly experienced part-time teachers, who, along with our competent full-time staff, are devoted to this discipline. 同时还拥有一批稳定的有着丰富教学经验的兼职对外汉语教师队伍。
The personnel are separated into part-time and full-time staff. 全体职员分为兼职和专职两类。
A small company, there are four categories of personnel: managers, part-time technical staff, sales manager and part-time salesman. 说明:某小型公司,主要有四类人员:经理、兼职技术人员、销售经理和兼职推销员。
No, but we need a part-time worker. As soon as the management make the offer, the staff come out. 不行,我们需要一位非专职工作的工人。管理部门一表态,职工们便罢工了。
Analysis of Construction for Special and Part-time Teaching Staff in the Training Center 培训中心专兼职培训师资队伍建设分析
The company is strong jewelry manufacturers in Panyu Guangzhou, need a few part-time marketing staff. 本公司是广州番禺有实力的珠宝首饰厂家,需要数名兼职的市场开拓人员。
Study of the Part-time Teachers 'Administration of Higher Vocational Colleges in Tianjin Problems and Countermeasures in Constructing Part-time Teaching Staff of Higher Vocational Colleges 天津市高职院校兼职教师队伍建设问题研究
Many Asian exporters survived this year's global economic downturn by cost-cutting and shedding part-time staff, eschewing more radical surgery in the hope of a quick rebound in global consumer demand. 许多亚洲出口企业通过削减成本和裁减非全职职员的方式,渡过了今年的全球经济低迷。它们抱着全球消费需求将迅速复苏的希望,一直避免更为彻底的变革。
Continuing costs for sports, on the other hand, are relatively low, requiring only a few part-time staff and maintenance routines. 而在另一方面,在体育方面的后续花费是比较少的,只需一些兼职工和日常维修工作。
Holiday entitlement for part-time staff is calculated pro rata. 兼职员工节假日的津贴是按比例来计算的。
Hiring part-time college teachers, a convenient way to tackle the shortage of faculty staff, can integrate education recourses, optimize the distribution of college teachers, and advance teaching quality. 聘请兼职教师是解决高校师资短缺的一种有效途径,对实现教育资源共享、优化师资结构、提高教学质量具有重要意义。
The main test to maintenance personnel of experience for the standard; Richard staff shortage, and by autocratic and part-time staff, men and women proportion is differ, older age, record of formal schooling and title is low. 检测的主要以维修人员的经验为标准;理人员数量不足,并且由专制和兼职人员组成,男女比例不一,年龄较大、学历和职称较低。
Provincial wushu association staff 93.3% are part-time, and President and the secretary-general are all part-time job, and part-time staff mainly comes from the administrative department of physical education. 3. 省级武术社团的工作人员93.3%是兼职,且主席和秘书长全部是兼职,兼职的工作人员主要来源于体育行政部门。
Part-time faculty is an important part of teaching staff in higher vocational colleges and hiring part-time faculty is one of the main measures to improve the quality of vocational education. 兼职教师是高职院校师资队伍的重要组成部分,大量聘任兼职教师是世界各国提高职业教育质量的主要举措之一。